TAWK Stays Logo for booking homes out


TAWK Stays is our exciting new membership service designed to help you advertise your houses, apartments, and B&Bs to the TAWK community at discounted rates.

For just a $65 start-up fee, which includes your first property listing, you'll receive:

  • Advertising on our site to reach over 55k+ engaged followers.
  • Promotion through our website, email blasts, and an exclusive TAWK Stays listing on our downloadable pdf.
  • A prominent spot on our interactive map for easy visibility.
  • Direct connections with TAWK members without any booking platform affiliations.

Each additional property can be listed for just $30 each. Join TAWK Stays today and start welcoming family travelers to your property!

Become a TAWK Stays Member
Explore our new offer for more places to stay
Explore our new offer for more places to stay
Become a TAWK Stays Member
Explore our new offer for more places to stay
Explore our new offer for more places to stay
Become a TAWK Stays Member
Explore our new offer for more places to stay
Explore our new offer for more places to stay
Explore our new offer for more places to stay
Become a TAWK Stays Member