Do we need a satellite phone and what do you recommend if so?

by Kathy

I'm a bit worried when we go remote and something unexpected happens that we might not be able to get normal signal on our phones and wonder if people take a satellite phone with them and what one they would recommend.

We do have telstra phones but know that there are lots of blackspots around the country. I think I would prefer to be in contact, but equally wonder if I am worrying over nothing.

Thanks for any advice or suggestions.

PS love the site

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Sep 03, 2018

by: Mandy

Hi Kathy

Thanks for your question and it is one that many families do think about and many families do carry something in case of emergency, especially I have found, if seomone in the family has medical issues.

We travelled for 2 years and did not have one or thankfully needed one, but then again, we did not travel too far off the beaten track, so if you think you will be then you could as you suggest invest in a Satellite phone, but another option is SatSleeve where your smartphone can be converted to a satellite phone. Or some families take an Emergency Beacon which can alert emergency services if needed.

I think it's a personal decision and if you think you will feel better having one, then it would be best to get one. I hope you get some other thoughts, as we didn't have one, I don't have a lot of experience here.

Good luck with your decision - Mandy from TAWK

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