What do you know about Lyme Disease?

What do you know about Lyme Disease?  My answer...  Not much.  Or I didn't until I received a message from Tennille Pooley from Ticked off and Travelling.  A family TAWKing with the disease.  A family brave enough to say:  "No!  This will not stop us.  This will inspire us to educate others, help others and prevent others getting the disease."

AND you know what, I had a tick on me once, thankfully I found it and removed it - otherwise this might have been my story.

So, what is Lyme Disease?  It's is a bacterial infection (typically the result of a tick bite) that, without treatment, can seriously effect the human body.

Symptoms can range from chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, seizures, paralysis or even tremors similar to Parkinsons Disease AND unfortunately it is often mis - diagnosed leading to people not getting the correct treatment.  

Have a quick look at the below short video. It will give you an idea of what they have gone through.

Tennille and family want to bring some much needed exposure and awareness to Lyme Disease. At present the family are giving it their all, whilst driving the full-lap around Australia.  Tennille has four children, a dog and a loving husband.

Tennille knows that her strength, knowledge and determination saved her life and she has now managed to escape her wheel chair - and has since been helping others to get through too! But she wants to do more. 

The Pooley Family

She is putting herself forward, sharing her story, her experiences and wanting to educate others.  The family are committed to making a difference and raising awareness for fellow Aussies. They are travelling around Australia documenting their trip on their Facebook page and blog 'Ticked off and Travelling'.  They are determined to meet the brave faces behind the tick borne disease too, and even in the hope that they may also help others that don't know what is wrong with them..... yet.

Trade mark 'Bulls Eye" rash

Tennille felt her life was basically slipping away for her and the family; she was bed ridden and confined to a wheelchair - but she had a dream. To Travel around Australia. She wanted her kids to have some fonder memories of their youth – not just sickness!

So whilst they are not better yet – they ARE living their dream! It's just a bit trickier than most of us.

The Ticked off and Travelling Rig

So far they have driven 33,000km, spoken to 1000’s of people about tick safety, and handed out 1000’s of information packs.

They also set up an 'Awareness stall' where ever they have the opportunity - so make sure you keep an eye out for them.

The Awareness Stall

How do you remove ticks safely?

So just in case you didn't know, this is how you remove ticks.  First up:


  • Do not try to burn ticks out with a hot match or spoon (that's what my hubby has done in the past - big no no apparently - Oh dear!).
  • Do not rub alcohol over the tick.
  • Do not put bi-carbonate of soda on them, or Vaseline or mentholated spirits.

If you did any of these things, it might make the tick release the bacteria known to cause Lyme disease into your system.

Tick Removal


  • Remove the tick with fine point tweezers. There is also a special tick removing tool (who knew?!).  You'll need to get hold of the tick as close to the skin as you can and pull the tick out with steady, even pressure. You should not squeeze it or break it and definitely not allow any of its blood to stay on your skin.  
  • You should ensure you wash your hands, disinfect the bite site and the tweezers or tool.
  • Then to really keep yourself or your family safe you should; Get it Tested!  Take it to a laboratory, health department or a vets. 
  • To do that:  Pop the tick in a small plastic bag or pot with a leaf or blades of grass or even a moist piece of tissue. Label it with the date it happened, the size of your bite and how long you think it was attached.
  • Consult with a doctor to see if you need any treatment and educate yourself further.

(Maybe bookmark this page to ensure you have this information handy for easy access in the future.)

Don't wait!! - Tennille and family do not want this to happen to another family

If you would like to know more about Lyme Disease, know someone that might be suffering or just would like to help Tennille and family get the word out there and make others aware, then please share this post and like their Facebook page..

It takes one person to make a difference. Today that person could be you.

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