Porta Potti Questions!

by Briana
(Geelong, Vic, Aus)

Hello all!

I have bought a porta potti for our two week road adventure (and beyond?!) up to Alice, and have some questions for the experienced family travellers! (Apologies if you've read this more than once, as I plan to post on a couple of travelling family pages to get as many replies and tips as you're all happy to give me! 😅)

*Do I need to use the pink chemical (the one that goes in the flushing part), or is there another option? There's a warning on the bottle to wear gloves when handling - this freaks me out, I'm a natural cleaner usually!

*Is the green chemical the best one for breaking down the waste in the bottom tank, and for dumping?

*Do I have to buy the porta potti specific toilet paper or is there another option?

*Do you put the toilet paper in your porta potti, or do you bag and burn it? Bin it?

*Any emptying tips - freaking out about this one a little bit actually...!

*How do you clean the bottom (waste) tank after emptying? What do you use (product wise) to keep it reasonable?

*Are there other things you've learnt along the way, that would help us out??!

THANKS SO MUCH for your time answering any or all of these quezzies! 😁

Bri x

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Sep 13, 2018
Loo cleaning
by: Sam P

Pink chemical is for flushing, it helps keep the bowl clean and not smell. The green chemical works pretty good for breaking down but the blue chemical works wonders...just like tipping out blue water.

We tried the cheap laundry soaker/Napisan option but it didn't work very well and it smelt - works fine if cost is your driving factor though.

We rarely clean the tank, just give it a good flush when you empty it. Note: even if you choose the "green" / spetic tank safe options do not empty into drop toilets - only use designated dump points or at a pinch dig a deep hole. We love our portaloo, it doesn't smell - we keep it in the main tent with us so our young kids can just get up and use it through the night/early morning. And we just use cheap toilet paper (just use it sparingly), never had any problems.

Sep 13, 2018
Don't fill so much!
by: Adam

Im no expert on the technical side but it comes down to your use for it. Do you have any natural toilet products that you'd prefer to use?
The flushing is to keep it clean and not smell. So a substitute should do the job (you'll know after a few days). Eucalyptus or tea tree oil perhaps.
Normal toilet paper OK. Just keep an eye on how full it is and how often you empty it.

A bin may be a better option so it doesn't full so quick.

They are pretty straight forward to empty. ... don't spill it on yourself. If you don't like emptying don't fill it up so quick find other ways - Bin the paper or go behind a tree.

We got into a good routine and system. They are very handy

Sep 13, 2018
My thoughts
by: Damien

Wear gloves anyway, you are dealing with a toilet.

Dig a deep hole away from water sources for emptying. Pour water into the waste side close up and swish and swirl to collect stray bits and pour this into the hole. I keep a big pump water bottle with the pop top lid so I can squeeze the bottle for pressurized water for cleaning the waste inlet/outlet (it has one job, is clearly marked and never goes near drinking water stocks) also do over the hole.

Back fill hole and cover with branches etc to prevent someone finding some quicksand and to keep animals from digging up but *very important* use dump points as often as possible better and easier that digging holes plus better cleaning facilities.

Last but not least
Wash hands then wash hands again then use antibacterial hand gel (the type you rub all over your hands until it dries)

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