Schooling on the road. Where do we start?
Schooling on the road. It has to be one of the biggest considerations to your trip and most certainly one of the most asked subjects on our Facebook Page, so we asked those that are already TAWKing (that's families Travelling Australia With Kids) for their thoughts. I have collated their answers and have listed them below. For basic information on your options, please click here.
The following are answers and thoughts from other TAWKers regarding schooling on the road, (names omitted to protect privacy) to help you.....
Schooling on the Road
- We
are from QLD and teaching one child who is in Prep. We opted for Distance Education as neither of us knew where to start or what to teach
other than the basics. We also needed to be held accountable to ensure
we actually taught school and didn't slacken off. We have bad days but we spread it out and it is working for us.
- We
are only travelling for 4 months so our school has given us school
books and a general guide as to what would be good to accomplish while
we're away. Grade
4 is spelling and times tables daily, maths daily, handwriting, grammar
and comprehension (2 pages/week each), travel journal.
Grade 1 is reading, phonics (3pgs/day) maths (3-4pgs/day) and a travel journal. We get it done in about 1.5 hrs each morning. - We travelled around Australia for 12
months. My 2 boys aged 9 & 13 were given an exemption from school
(QLD) by their school principal for 3 terms (I rang the school at the
end of the third term and extended for another
term, we were away for 4 terms all up). We took maths text books with
us and they both wrote in a journal everyday. The work we did everyday
depended on how we all felt, if the boys were working well we did more
(approx 1.5 hours), we also used 'Maths on Line', they give
home schoolers a 60% discount. It was a fantastic experience, the best
decision we've ever made.

- We
are schooling on the road indefinitely and travelling indefinately, we have one in prep and one in year 2.
We left from Victoria last June (2014) and did Distance Education for 6 months,
found most days an uphill battle, (and I'm a teacher)! We are doing a
working holiday, so decided to put them
in school where we are for extended periods, this seems to be working
better for us.
- We are from Victoria with
kids aged 7-14, we travel 8 weeks a year and home school full time. Just keep a
diary when traveling, sometimes, it's in a book sometimes, emails, I'm
considering one of they trying a blog. Kindles for reading as so
compact, longer term I'd bring a maths
text book. We do read about and study relevant topics to the locations
we are going to or traveling through. Some libraries have better
audio book and eBook borrowing than others and traveling you may be able
to find a good one you can join.

- We did NSW Distance Education with boys aged 6 & 8 at the time we travelled. School in the morning, one son coped fine and one was more challenging.
DE work load was insane and I've been a education assistant for special
needs so I like to think I'm pretty good at outside the circle learning and time management for kids.
We also stopped & worked and the kids attended schooling at these times.
A lot of well known landmarks have kids sheets available. We also used brochures and info on where we were visiting. Even our old Camps 5 became a learning tool. If we went again I'd be upfront and telling DE what we would be covering rather than trying to jam it all in.

- We're
from QLD and doing DE because when I tried to have "home
schooling" (and how it all works) explained to me I thought there was
no way in the world I could "choose and explain my own curriculum for an
entire year for both children"! Which
is what the Home Education Unit expected from me to register with them.
How on earth could someone who's never home schooled write a curriculum
for 2 kids for a whole year??!! That's what I thought THEN. NOW, I know
that all that means is I have to pick which books we want to use to
cover each subject. I think they try to make it sound as confusing as
possible so it puts you off doing it. I find the DE workload
unreasonable, especially the amount of English each day. Thankfully our
assigned teacher is very understanding of our situation but I do still
feel very stressed when I feel like I'm falling behind where we "should"
be. I can tell you one thing- next year I'll be doing my own thing!!
I'm more than capable of choosing good books to use. My kids are 8
and soon to be 6 and we love schooling on the road.

- We are with DE at Port Macquarie. We lasted 5 weeks schooling on the road, before I threw a
tanty and told the teacher I'd had enough. He was more than happy to
comply. Kids did journal, Study ladder
(if we had Internet), iPad apps offline and a couple of text books. We
had them assessed at the end of the year as we passed back through and
they were on par to above average.
- I'm
in WA. We home school. We do the alternate Steiner curriculum. I find it
gentle but effective. We don't stress its a nice bonding experience.
Its an hour or two a day 3 times a week, could do much less but we love
- I
was home schooling on the road with my girls through the NSW board of studies in our
house before we started travelling full time. They are
registered through Victoria not DE as I never know where we will be day
to day for any mail to be sent to us and we spend 90% of our time with
no power so no internet. We do not have to answer to anyone or hand in
anything x i love it because my kids excel in what they love to do with
the protest of maths x

- We are in WA and we spoke to our principal and he gave permission to us to take the children out of school for one year. It ended up being two! (I had to re-enrol and re get his permission). I just got books in their core subjects from educational websites. At first I stuck to their age bracket, but quickly found that they were able to go further and so I adjusted their learning. We also did a lot of 'schooling' in the car, spelling, times tables etc. We also had about 6 general knowledge quiz books, which led me to design this one: The Quiz book for ALL the family, so that we/you can all play against each other. I have incorporated all the core subjects (and many more) and in consultation with my children's teachers, working on it for months, come up with this! Hope you can get something out of it. It is also available on Kindle and I am working on a 'real book' so you can physically buy it in print!!
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