We are “Four Hands in a Tin Can” and we have been travelling since January 2016 with no end date in sight. We have Annie, Pete, and Liam (14) and Mia (9) as well as the chocolate Labrador on board. We are travelling in a caravan that we designed and had built for our life on the road.
We made the TAWK for a number of reasons. The two most significant are listed here:
You can read more HERE about this.
We had been planning our caravan for three years – the exact van that we wanted to buy and travel in. All our initial ideas for travel were based around 6 to 12 week holidays. We decided on our van design and a week before we agreed on who was going to build it, we decided that we would pack up and take off around Australia.
So while the van was being built, we sold up many of our possessions, and set the date to leave home as 27 January 2016. We found that many things fell into place and I guess we were in the frame of mind to just go, no matter what. We organised for most of our life to become electronic (bills etc) and did a lot of research into schooling options.
Spending time as a family, reconnecting with each other and learning that life is not all about work and other people’s problems.
Our biggest challenge has been living on top of each other. We had to learn to respect each others need for space, quiet time was needed for Mum’s sanity as well as change the way we communicate with each other and become accepting of each others little quirks.
I don’t think we have been disappointed by any town yet. Every town and city has its own personality and feel. Tapping into this allows you to enjoy it, experience it and respect it for what it is. Our favourite locations have been:
Available for immediate download as an eBook. Finally all the information you need in one place! Easy to read format with handy links to help you get started on your trip. Grab a copy right now and save yourself hours of sifting through the internet trying to find the information you need. To help you get organised, and to turn your dream into a plan! Click here for more information... (We appreciate you supporting us supporting you) |
After much investigation and many phone calls, I decided to enrol the kids into distance education through Dubbo in New South Wales. I decided this because it was the best fit for us as a family. I also could not commit to the requirements of home schooling for the yearly visit, as I didn’t know where we would be in a year. Distance education also meant that the kids had someone else to answer to, other than me. There's a lot more information about our schooling on our blog - link at the bottom of the page.
The most surprising part has been how much we all love the lifestyle and not one of us wants to settle down. I had read a lot about the settling in period and how it can make or break you….I think it made us and has cemented our desire to live this life style as long as we can.
I think the adventure has made us slow down.
It has made us smell the roses, appreciate the little things and learn
that we don’t need all that stuff we surrounded ourselves with in a
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