TAWK Membership benefit - kids stay for free

by Darren
(Bunbury WA)

We are new TAWK members just about to embark on a 4 month trip (kids aged 9, 7 & 6). We love the idea of parks/businesses supporting TAWK members and will certainly spread the word. With the deal where kids stay for free (at participating parks), does it apply if you only stay one night?

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Dec 08, 2019
by: Mandy

We sign up parks and advise them that to become a TAWK Member they need to offer 2 nights FREE camping for kids. NOT that our members need to stay for 2 nights. BUT of course it was designed as a supporter program so that our members support them too: Ideally by staying an extra night.

Good to hear that you will support parks too. My kids were exactly your ages when we set off back in 2010 for our two years on the road - was supposed to only be one but turned into two!

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